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ALCF Public Data
Source: Argonne Leadership Computing Facility

AWARD_CATEGORY_NAMEVARCHAR(64)The award program for the allocation for the job. INCITE, ALCC, DISCRETIONARYmira
QUEUED_TIMESTAMPTIMESTAMPTimestamp when a job entered the queue for a machine2014-01-28 01:22:44.029342
QUEUED_DATE_IDINTEGERDATE_ID of when job entered the queue for a machine20140128
START_TIMESTAMPTIMESTAMPTimestamp when a job started2014-01-28 13:22:44.029342
START_DATE_IDINTEGERDATE_ID of when a job started20140128
END_TIMESTAMPTIMESTAMPTimestamp when a job ended2014-01-28 17:22:44.029342
END_DATE_IDINTEGERDATE_ID of when a job ended20140128
USERNAME_GENIDVARCHAR(64)An integer value in place of the user name. Other records with the same value means they have the same user name.123456789012
PROJECT_NAME_GENIDVARCHAR(64)An integer value in place of the project name. Other records with the same value means they have the same project name987654321012
QUEUE_NAMEVARCHAR(64)Queue Nameprod-short
WALLTIME_SECONDSDECIMAL(24,4)The time requested for a job, can be different than runtime14400
RUNTIME_SECONDSDECIMAL(24,4)The elapsed time the job executed.12590
NODES_USEDDECIMAL(24,2)Number of nodes used as determined by the scheduler. Can be different than NODES_REQUESTED. If the NODES_REQUESTED is 500, the job could be assigned 512 nodes.512
NODES_REQUESTEDDECIMAL(24,2)Number of nodes requested, can be different than the NODES_USED value.499
CORES_USEDDECIMAL(24,2)Number of cores used, NODES_USED * CORES PER NODE8192
LOCATIONVARCHAR(2048)Location on machine, syntax will vary depending on machineMIR-480C0-7B3F1-512
EXIT_STATUSINTEGERUnix process exit status0
ELIGIBLE_WAIT_SECONDSINTEGERThe time a job waited in the queue, minus any time where the job was not eligible to run, such as being in a hold.41256
QUEUED_WAIT_SECONDSINTEGERThe time a job waited in queue. This includes time held by the user and other ineligible times.43200
QUEUED_WAIT_FACTORINTEGERThe QUEUED_WAIT_SECONDS over the wallclock time requested.3
REQUESTED_CORE_HOURSDECIMAL(24,4)Requested core hours31936
USED_CORE_HOURSDECIMAL(24,4)Used core hours32768
CAPABILITY_USAGE_CORE_HOURSDECIMAL(26,4)If job is Capability, the hours are here0
NONCAPABILITY_USAGE_CORE_HOURSDECIMAL(26,4)If job is Noncapability, the hours are here32768
BUCKETS3_A_USAGE_CORE_HOURSDECIMAL(26,4)If job is Bucket A the hours are here0
BUCKETS3_B_USAGE_CORE_HOURSDECIMAL(26,4)If job is Bucket B the hours are here0
BUCKETS3_C_USAGE_CORE_HOURSDECIMAL(26,4)If job is Bucket C the hours are here32768
MACHINE_PARTITIONVARCHAR(4064)The value for a mapping of midplanes on the machine.MIR-08840-3BB71-512
EXIT_CODEINTEGERUNIX exit code of the executable for the job.0
MODEVARCHAR(64)The qsub command mode flag. Valid modes on the EAS are c1, c2, c4, c8, c16, c32, c64, script and interactive. Script is a script invocation as it was on the BG/P systems. The cN modes correspond to -p N being used with runjob where N is the number of ranks. Interactive is for running an job from the console.c1
RESIDINTEGERCobalt reservation id, if the job was run within a reservation.
CAPABILITYVARCHAR(16)Calculated CapabiltiyNot capablity
SIZE_BUCKETS3VARCHAR(64)Calculated Job Size Bucket0% <= x < 16.7%
PERCENTILEVARCHAR(64)Calculated Percentile Size0% <= x < 16.7%
NUM_TASKS_SUBBLOCKINTEGERNumber of subblock tasks: if a job has multiple tasks and multiple tasks fit in a midplane and they run simultaneously.0
NUM_TASKS_CONSECUTIVEINTEGERNumber of consecutive tasks: if a job has multiple tasks and they are run one after another, it is consecutive.0
NUM_TASKS_MULTILOCATIONINTEGERNumber of multilocation tasks. If a job runs multiple tasks simultaneously, it is a multilocation job.0
NUM_TASKS_SINGLEINTEGERNumber of single tasks: If a job runs one task, it is a single task job.1
COBALT_NUM_TASKSINTEGERNumber of tasks recorded by cobalt1
IS_CONSECUTIVESMALLINTif a job has multiple tasks and they are run one after another, 1, else 00
IS_MULTILOCATIONSMALLINTIf a job runs multiple tasks simultaneously, 1 else 00
IS_SUBBLOCKSMALLINTIf a job has multiple tasks and multiple tasks fit in a midplane and they run simultaneously, 1 else 00
IS_SUBBLOCK_ONLYSMALLINTIf a job has multiple tasks and multiple tasks fit in a midplane and they run simultaneously and tasks are not consecutive, 1 else 00
IS_MULTILOCATION_ONLYSMALLINTIf a job runs multiple tasks simultaneously and not subblock, 1 else 00
IS_MULTILOCATION_SUBBLOCKSMALLINTIf a job runs multiple tasks simultaneously and is subblock, 1 else 00
IS_CONSECUTIVE_ONLYSMALLINTif a job has multiple tasks and they are run one after another and not subblock or multilocation, 1, else 00
IS_SINGLE_ONLYSMALLINTIf is a Single Task Job and not subblock or consecutive, 1 else 00
IS_NO_TASKSSMALLINTIf job has no tasks, 1 else 00
IS_OTHERSMALLINTIf job is not in any other category0
OVERBURN_CORE_HOURSDECIMAL(24,4)If job is capability and the total hours of all jobs for the allocation up to the timestamp this job ran is greater than the allocation amount then the hours are overburn hours.0
IS_OVERBURNSMALLINTIf the job has overburn hours, then 1. A job is overburn if it is capability and the total hours of all jobs to the time this job ran is greater than the allocation amount.0